About us
Dear Friends,
“So, we, though many, are one in Christ” (Rm. 12:5). These words of St. Paul to the Roman community are so fitting to begin this welcoming message. In a world where so much emphasis is placed on what set people apart, we ought to remember how Christ, through his suffering, death, and resurrection, has brought us into one family – God’s family. In this family, those of us who are wearied and burdened by the challenges of daily life should feel embraced, accepted, and loved. In this family, regardless of our different backgrounds and walks of life, we are all nourished and sanctified.
Facilitating this sense of familial encounter with the living God is, above all else, the main focus of this parish community. Through the Sacred Liturgy, catechetical instruction, and numerous apostolates, we hope to fall in love more deeply with Jesus Christ and bring his saving grace to those around us. We hope, as well, to invite you to join us.
Whether you are one of our parishioners or visitors, on behalf of the members of our clergy and staff, I personally welcome you!
May God bless you and keep you always in the palm of his hand.
In Christ,
Fr. Martin Nguyen
Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church